Rod - Rob Roy
Well it has been almost 3 1/2 years but I finished my Rob Roy canoe. It all started with buying the book Canoecraft at a booksale in December 2000. Summer of 2001 I got the strips milled, the strongback and forms cut and assembled and the hull completed. In the summer of 2002 I was able to get the hull sanded and got fiberglass complete on the inside and outside of the hull. Summer 2003 I spent endless hours sanding fiberglass, mostly due to a few sloppy areas. That is a lesson I will never forget! I was also able to get a few base coats of varnish applied as well as the gunwales. I got the final coats of varnish done in Spring 2004 as well as installing the thwart and the brass stem bands. It is set to launch on June 26. I hope to build another one day, but even if I don't it was an experience I will never forget, and a canoe I will never stop using. Thanks! Rod